Know how your coming week will be through tarot cards
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Know how your coming week will be through tarot cards

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Know how your coming week will be through tarot cards – Aries (March 21-April 20)

Will expand the business. New opportunities will appear. Despite changes in personal and professional life, you will maintain your prestige and hold. There will be a situation of profit in material matters. Give time to family and visitors during any event. You can go shopping and holiday with a loved one. Investment in land, house and property will be beneficial. Social life can be busy. There will be sweetness in personal relations.

Lucky Number: 10 Lucky Colour: Saffron
Taurus (April 21-May 21)

You will be sensitive and creative, but you can lose your temper soon in the midst of new developments. In the face of difficulties in personal and professional life, try to see them in a broader perspective while remaining self-centered. Disputes can be resolved in the weekend. Courteous behavior will increase intimacy with loved ones. Will attract opportunities with creativity. Be vocal about your priorities and values, despite opposition and competition.

Lucky Number: 8 Lucky Colour: Sky Blue
Gemini (May 22-June 21)

Completion of any work with interest will bring success and satisfaction. Personal and professional goals will be achieved through creativity. Business matters will remain top priority. Do not ignore family ties. There can be confusion when there are many options in front of you. This is a favorable time for solving family, financial and practical matters. It’s good to try to understand other people’s point of view, but don’t compromise on your truth.

Lucky Number: 6 Lucky Colour: Lotus Pink
Cancer (June 22-July 22)

Will ensure peaceful resolution of deadlock at workplace and important matters at home. Staying focused towards professional goals will adjust to family situations. Social life will be busy, people will be attracted towards you. There will be love in the relationship. A domineering woman can get angry for no reason, keep distance from her. Health will be good and will take part in sports. Give yourself a rest.

Number: 14 Lucky Colour: Sea Green
Leo (July 23-August 23)

Will consider in depth the priorities of personal and professional life. If we look at the truth, change will seem inevitable. Will give decisive direction to various works with creative energy. There will be sweetness in personal relations. There will be a change in priorities, values ​​and attitudes. Concentrate on the goal, accepting the truth. Intuitive attitude will help in dealing with complex situations. Pay attention to health.

Lucky Number: 13 Lucky Colour: Maroon
Virgo (August 24-September 23)

Look at the situation in a broader perspective. Will prove abilities at different levels. Professionals can consider an opportunity in life, due to which they may have to travel far away. Will be busy in various activities. Reaching the root of any problem in the relationship will ensure a solution. It is necessary to show patience to save the relationship. Social life will be busy.

Lucky Number: 21 Lucky Colour: Midnight Blue
Libra (September 24-October 23)

You will move forward with a new outlook in personal and professional life. Unexpectedly new opportunities will be created and family developments will take shape. Will spend pleasant time with friends. No obstacle can stop you from moving forward. Those who are friends may express animosity while those who are hostile will turn into friends. Guests may arrive. The deadlock will end. It will not be appropriate to make big plans.

Lucky Number: 13 Lucky Colour: Maroon
Scorpio (October 24-November 22)

Will show creativity in business work. The scope of social and professional relations will widen. Will solve complex matters efficiently in harmony with other people. There can be any news from far away or arrival of guests. Will meet relatives and relatives. Take some time out for yourself in the midst of busy schedules. There will be love in personal relationships. Balance is expected in life.

Lucky Number: 1 Lucky Colour: Royal Blue
Sagittarius (November 23-December 23)

New opportunities will appear in professional life. Will prepare himself for new activities. However, before starting a new one, it is necessary to finish the old tasks. Commitment will be manifested in personal relationships. Financial and professional matters will be resolved at will. Handle the matters of the past wisely. There will be no benefit from quick decision and implementation. It would be appropriate to arrive at some conclusion after thinking. Listen to the intuition.

Lucky Number: 4 Lucky Colour: Forest Green
Capricorn (December 24 – January 20)

Will perform professional tasks efficiently. However, you may feel frustrated about the circumstances at home and at work. Try to escape instead of hitting the obstacles directly. Do not let the insensitivity and difficulties of those in power come in the way of the goal. Hard work is the stepping stone to success. You will get the support of family and friends. Let events take shape. Pay attention to health and financial aspect.

Lucky Number: 10 Lucky Colour: Rusty Orange
Aquarius (January 21-February 19)

Triangular matters and situations will keep you busy. Will play three separate roles at home and at work. Financial matters and business options will demand attention. There may be difficulties in personal relationships for some time. Do not allow any third person a chance to interfere and create misunderstanding in your relationship with your spouse. Avoid sharing your views with others. You can get good news.

Lucky Number: 3 Lucky Colour: Lotus Pink
Pisces (February 20 – March 20)

Success will come in business matters after a long struggle. Reputation and hold in the workplace will be strong. Will be affectionate towards family and friends. Will be vocal for justice and values ​​towards the people around. Will cooperate in good works. Follow a regular routine for good health. Giving importance to personal freedom in relationships will increase intimacy. Avoid display of arrogance at workplace. Flexible attitude is expected.

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